WisdomPeace Lightforce


Last Proof:
May 12, 2017
May 20, 5017 U
Edition: 2004
5004+1.5x1010 Universal



Copyright © All Rights Reserved.

Persian Wisdom
Oil Painting from Persia





Persian-English; English-Persian

by Chérie Phillips, NovaStoic Priest
Theoretical Philosopher

 Copyright © 2004 by Cherie Phillips.
All Rights Reserved.  UCC Universal Copyright Convention.

You cannot know what you do not understand.
Language is the door to understanding
the wisdom of a culture.





A-D (107 pages)
E-H (61 pages)
I-L (61 pages)
M-P (83 pages)
Q-Z (103 pages)

Sentences (10 pages)

Numbers (3 pages)

Food (10 pages)

Names - Last (3 pages)

Names - Girls (2 pages)

Names - Boys (4 pages)

Money (2 pages)

Cities - States, U.S. (1 page)

Languages (5 pages)

Countries - Cities (7 pages)

People (6 pages)

Countries - Chart (5 pages)

Cities - Persian (2 pages)

Bibliography (1 page)




(Sorted from the RIGHT column)

A-D (132 pages)
E-H (77 pages)
I-L (47 pages)
M-P (88 pages)
Q-Z (166 pages)

Sentences (11 pages)

Food (10 pages)

Bibliography (1 page)



More Persian resources provided by
Dr. Kamran Talattof at the University of Arizona



Your help (by spreading the word) is needed for a great

Humanitarian Cause

"BacterVira: Creator of the Species," a theory of evomorph (evolution and metamorphosis) that has already predicted the function of stem cells, but reveals much more yet to be discovered to prove that these are a separate species.  You are technically composed of two major separate species (and more in symbiosis) according to present taxonomy. Yet, scientists refuse to classify the stem cells as anything more than the composition of your body.


May the Lightforce Be With You

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All Content Copyright © Chérie Phillips. All Rights Reserved.

UCC Universal Copyright Convention
5023+1.5x1010 Universal
Published by IntelSpectrum

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NovaStoic Church
WisdomPeace Lightforce Temple

Rev. Chérie Phillips, NovaStoic Priest
Theoretical Philosopher

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WisdomPeace |  Powerful Patience  |  Freedom of Self-Discipline  |  Create Happiness

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