WisdomPeace Lightforce



Copyright © 2012 Cherie Phillips

Catalina Mountains in Arizona











Living in Arizona is like living on another planet. Yet, many species have adapted, and formed complex social groups.  Because the weather is essentially warm all year long, some species have evolved faster without having to spend as much time hibernating.


Some species are better adapted to the desert environment than others, and include birds, ants, and "some" plants.  The rest of us simply do not belong here.  Humans have to make strong adjustments to the desert life or they will show defects, and many do not realize this. Humans may be the only species who are still living in a dream world.


The purpose here is to share some of the knowledge I have gained while living in the desert and traveling elsewhere.  Putting it in perspective, we see a whole picture forming, and new truths emerging from the shadows.





Hawk. Copyright © 2003 Greg Scott.
www. gregscott.com  (photograph)







The Hawk is a predator bird.  All species, including our own have many different predators.


We like to think of ourselves as superior to an animal - but we are only at the "hairless" ape stage of evolution, and, as all the animals, we are enmeshed in the predator phase.  We hunt animals and animals hunt us.  Despite the denial of many within our species, the lions, tigers, bears, sharks, and so forth are designed to be our predators.  They do "not" mistake us for a small animal as many  claim. They recognize us in the reality that we fail to see ourselves - as just an animal.


The other animals know us for who we really are.  We are the only animals who do not know this truth about ourselves.  We go swimming in the ocean and then wonder how a shark could "mistake" us for an animal.  Birds sit way upon the telephone pole and look down at us, keeping their distance.


The birds in Arizona have developed complex social groups and often have loud group meetings in the bushes with loud conversation of many birds.  As I approach the bush, the conversation stops on que as the lookout apparently had told them to keep quiet for survival as a "hairless ape" was passing by.  As I walked far past  the bush, the loud bird conversation continues.  Unbelievably, the University of Arizona is teaching in the classroom that birds and other animals do not have the complex ability of a true language, but only humans do. This is more evidence of our Biological Control and Species Prejudice.


An animal trainer once said that training an animal is a three stage learning process for yourself:

Stage 1:  As you first go in to train animals, you try to show them that you are superior.

Stage 2:  After a short time, you begin to realize that "they" are superior.

Stage 3:  Finally, you discover the truth, that you are both equal and nobody is superior.


When I was in Florida, there was what I call a "Recitation Bird" who would sit in a tree and show off its talents by reciting the entire alphabet every morning as I sat and waited for the bus.


This bird had a very large phonetic ability.  But, nothing I have ever heard matches the black birds of Arizona.  They are immaculately healthy with shiny iridescent black feathers, and who make extraordinarily complex sounds.


When I was at a Book Fair, several people stood with me in awe as a black "Recitation Bird" sat in a tree and displayed sounds that none of us had ever heard before, and could hardly believe to be so beautiful and complex - hundreds of varying sounds - no words can describe.


Even in our own species a long time ago before we developed the ability to write, there were people in our society who were assigned to memorizing all the phonetics of the language of their tribe.  Birds do the same thing.


The reason it sounds like only chirping to some of us is because of our Species Prejudice.


If you go amongst many people speaking a foreign language, oftentimes it sounds like meaningless babbling, but we know otherwise.


It is the same cloned BacterVira (stem cells) that made all living things, and created language for every species, not just our own.


The birds know who we are, and they, along with all other living things, look anxiously for the promised species that will care for them, but so far few have evolved amongst our species. So they look with caution at the "hairless apes" that move beneath their guarded watch.


Every species thinks their own is the most superior.  I call it the "Species Prejudice."  We see this biological function wrongly spilling out into our relationships in society when we discover ourselves prejudiced to those people different from our group, whether it is a physical difference, or a difference in beliefs.


The sign on the door of the Science Library at the University of Arizona says, "No Animals Allows."


When denial is so strong that even higher education, who is supposed to know everything about biology, cannot admit the truth about our own species, and professionals claim we are only attacked by other animals when we are "mistaken" for an animal, then we realize further evidence of the Biological Control within our own minds that often masks reality.


The mission of our species is to break free from this Biological Control.


When we see reality all around us, then it will be evidence of our successful evolution.  We have not yet fully evomorphed, and we each evomorph at a different rate.


Our species has been given "free will" for a purpose - so that we have the power to improve the quality of life for all living things.  When we discover how to use this power, we will see many changes in our own species and in other species.


Survival involves making the right decisions.  Set in motion billions of years ago when microscopic life began growing out of control, its purpose is to control the population.


The various species have one major way of stopping their over-population, and that is the predator system.


The next major way of inhibiting over-population that has been documented by scientists is homosexuality in the various species, including the apes from which humans evomorphed.


We notice that the larger the population overgrowth, the greater the occurrence of homosexuality.


Over-population is a threat to existence and produces a strain on resources for all life and it is quite understandable that the BacterVira clones communicate with each other and respond in biological ways for the benefit of all life.


Humans also are biologically driven to respond to over-population with various nonviolent ways to control our own population.


We also use a method for our pets by spaying dogs and cats.


But, many amongst us have not yet evomorphed, and still use primitive death wrongly to control populations, such as in warfare. The greater the overgrowth of population, the higher the chance of biologically driven wars.


Because our destiny is to care for all living things, we have feelings that are compassionate for those who lose the battle of survival, because with our ability to reason, we realize that it is not always the strong that survives and the weak that is destroyed, but sometimes survival is just plain luck.





May the Lightforce Be With You

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All Content Copyright © Chérie Phillips. All Rights Reserved.

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Published by IntelSpectrum

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NovaStoic Church
WisdomPeace Lightforce Temple

Rev. Chérie Phillips, NovaStoic Priest
Theoretical Philosopher

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WisdomPeace |  Powerful Patience  |  Freedom of Self-Discipline  |  Create Happiness

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