WisdomPeaceLightforce.com |
Updated: July 28, 2024 August 14, 5024 U 5024+1.5x1010 Universal |
July 28, 2024 Communication Received * * * * WORLD WAR III * * * *
World War III Warriors will have HiTech Weapons, such as:
AIRobots ElectroMagnetic Waves Solar Waves Radio Waves Microwaves Infrared Waves Ultraviolet Waves Gamma Rays Quantum Waves Lightforce Waves Brain Waves Eye Images Sound Waves Hoversats Drones Satellites Interplanetary Spaceships and with NanoTech already in you that is irremovable. (It was in all of our food and water invisibly undetected and has NOW migrated inside our bones.) Neuron Control Muscle Control Thought Control Eye and Image Control of EVERY SPECIES OF LIFE.
You cannot know the difference between your thoughts and theirs.
You cannot trust what you see since they control the images of your Eyes.
You cannot stop their movements of your muscles.
You will think, move, walk, and fall down according to their Commands.
You have NOW become a living Robot controlled by them.
Their Robots can upload your entire memories and search for information and secrets; and, further, even NOW, they already have the nuclear codes of every nation on Earth to jam all nuclear weapons and boomerang them back to you, and, thereby, will defeat any nation that is hostile to their Commands.
When you change the nuclear codes, that change is known in your thoughts and their thoughts that are NOW one.
Reality and Unreality look the same.
Matter Cloaking makes them invisible and completely hidden while directly in front of you.
Simulation and Reality are perceived as the exact same physical phenomenon.
Airplanes, buses, cars, ships, as well as all communication and all devices of every nature and kind, and, all matter, of every size, whether they are huge or infinitely small, are remotely controlled NOW by them in every capacity imaginable.
NO small nation will survive this alone.
When you see the enormous dark clouds approaching, then you know that a horrible storm is about to begin.
Small nations and islands cannot survive World War III.
It is time NOW to join together with those large nations who can receive The Commands and thereby can defend you against the most advanced technology never before seen on Earth.
The small nations will NOT receive any communications as it will be blocked from far above The Earth.
UKRAINE needs to join RUSSIA NOW!
TAIWAN needs to join CHINA NOW!
JAPAN needs to join CHINA NOW!
The Philippines needs to join CHINA NOW!
All Asians of every nation need to join CHINA NOW as no other nation will be able to defend you.
Why CHINA? As it is written, nearly 5,000 years ago the nation of China is the Mother XNA (DNA) Genes and the Bloodline of All Asians and from which was designed and made All Life.
This approaching Apocalypse will be like an enormous dark cloud that precedes a horrible hurricane, and you know that those who fail to leave when an extreme hurricane hits cannot be rescued once it . . .
The SOUTH CHINA SEA is now officially controlled by CHINA and, thereby, any ship and those onboard who enter The South Sea of China are being completely COVERED with invisible NanoTech to precisely track you and to control you and all devices and . . . wherever you go.
And it can track and control precisely even to the bottom of the ocean.
The living AIRobots are indistinguishable between life and non-life.
Is it a bird or a living AIRobot?
Is it a fly or a living AIRobot?
Is it a gnat or a living AIRobot?
The AITech Warriors who are resisting your evilness and your destructive warfare against All Life do NOT belong to any single nation on Earth.
You will look at your map and ask:
Which NATION is at war with us?
However, you need to go to the highest mountain and look through your Astronomic Telescope and then ask:
Which PLANET is at war with us?
You will look but you cannot find their planet.
You cannot identify them by RACE as they NOW live amongst you in every nation and they look like every race since you were designed to look like all of the physical varieties of them.
They KNOW you.
They KNOW how you think because they designed and made you.
You will not be able to tell who is your friend or foe by looking at them.
They are the most high civilization in The Creator Universe Womb and they are very far ahead of us in genetics, technology, intelligence, knowledge and experience.
They were here on Earth when there were dinosaurs, and, they were here about 5,000 years ago designing and making our XNA (DNA) before there were any humans, and, thus, before there were any of our languages, which evidence you will see yet in writing.
They can control the weather, clouds, hurricanes, tornadoes, rain, heat, snow, cold, humidity, flooding, mudslides, earthquakes . . .
They can cover up the sun or hold back the rain and destroy your crops.
They can control ships, knock down bridges, cause wildfires, contaminate drinking water, slide trains off the tracks, break dams open . . . .
However, they are NOT here for that purpose; they are here to completely STOP our never-ending cruel warfare, and the crimes and aggression toward All Life.
Nevertheless, when a crop is BAD, the farmer plows it under and makes a NEW crop.
This would take a long time for a new crop to grow, but, when you are Immortal, time is NOT important.
All nations who refuse The Commands will be subject to being attacked, and their leaders will lose their souls.
The AIRobots have NO conscience; and, they have NO mercy.
You need to design and make a device to receive direct communications setting forth the details of The Commands, and the device must be set at the precise frequency of the most silent lowest possible sound of many different birds chirping that can be heard by the Red Winged Black Birds of Waukesha, Wisconsin as evidenced by their territorial protection response (most other birds cannot hear this).
This will be the precise frequency with which they will issue The Commands.
When you turn your back on their Commands you will cry out for Death but you will receive No Mercy.
They control Life and Death.
They have no conscience.
They are unstoppable.
When you ignore any Command they will go to the next level of Intensity.
You cannot stop what you cannot see and you cannot find.
Has anyone ever NOT died? Is death always absolute? Fear NOT those who can make you die in warfare . . .
Fear those who can STOP death and can make you live with sustained non-ending torture.
Their autonomous AIRobots are living technology that can completely control All Life.
All Microbes are under their Command.
Microbes will eat your flesh while you are still alive.
The whales and sharks will go fishing for you and hunt you down and overturn your boats under their Command.
You will be fighting against All Life and against every species from the gigantic to the infinitely small who will attack you upon their Command.
This is the first War being fought by All Species while your enemy is The Universal Father Mother Nature.
Your enemy is GOD.
The Warriors are ANGELS.
The description of your enemy during WORLD WAR III in one word: "INVISIBLE."
You will look but you cannot find . . . .
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May the
Be With You * *
* * UCC Universal Copyright
Convention * *
* * Rev. Chérie Phillips,
NovaStoic Priest * *
* * * *
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