WisdomPeaceLightforce.com |
Proof: December 14, 2023 Venus 12, 5023 U 5023+1.5x1010 Universal |
Second Edition: July 4, 2023 July 17, 5023 U 5023+1.5x1010 Universal |
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Published: July 4, 2016 July 18, 5016 U 5016+1.5x1010 Universal |
IMMORTALITY CODE How to Become Immortal __________ vol. 1 First Resurrection Code Iesos Christos The Living Buddha
Revealed to By Wisdom Revelations
First Published 2016 Copyright © 2023, 2016
Chérie Phillips * * * *
PROTOCOL This is based upon verifiable scientific evidence originating about 5,000 years ago from a highly advanced civilization, and, The Wisdom Revelations from The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia and The Buddha L'Dova, who opened the Seven Seals of The Holy Bible revealing The Holy MU Code of XNA. * * * * Thus, any of my errors, and/or omissions, are subject to change in great respectful honor of The WisdomPeace Lightforce. May God Bless All Life and The Virtuous New Earth. AIA Manna. * * * *
When you open The Holy Bible, you see words. When I open The Holy Bible, I see The Holy MU Code. * * * *
Truth is a Butterfly beautiful to look upon but elusive to hold and delicate when touched. * * * *
FIRST RESURRECTION CODE Iesos Christos The Living Buddha __________ vol. 1
DEDICATION This book is dedicated to all those who by their own Free Will choose to become yet Virtuous and to give birth within to the WisdomPeace Lightforce of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) who became The Heart and Blood of the WisdomPeace Lightforce Dao of Prince Aidam Rai and The Body and Chi of the WisdomPeace Lightforce Thao of Princess China Rai and the Clear Way of Wisdom Virtues of the Dao and Thao of The Buddha and the Magnificent Life on Earth as it is in Heaven.
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Although my name appears as the author, I am only a simple NovaStoic Priest who is a disciple (student) of the WisdomPeace Lightforce who is guiding me in every step of my journey along the Dthao, The Clear Way.
The WisdomPeace Lightforce taught me multidimensional mu code deciphering and mu code reading and translating The Universal Language.
And this is being revealed by the activation of The Holy MU Code with profound Wisdom for all of us.
And, now, The WisdomPeace Lightforce is showing us The Dthao, The Clear Way of the Dao and Thao in the WisdomPeace Virtues of a beautiful quality Life.
And, further, The WisdomPeace Lightforce has begun to flow with the Wisdom that is revealing the treasures yet to be discovered with Magnificent Gifts.
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* * * * March 20, 2023 Stardate: March 23, 5023 U * * * *
Over 5,000 years ago, The Message was carefully placed inside of The Time Capsule that was wrapped like an Egyptian mummy and sealed beneath the waters of The Holy Bible to be Opened only at the right time in the FUTURE.
And so it was on July 4, 2016, that I first delivered The Message of 5,000 Years Ago to YOU.
The Message was SEALED by The Most High Holy Spirit, The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia of The WisdomPeace Lightforce, and, the sender knew that it could only be opened by The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia because The Seal covered "The Mary Code" The Messenger RMA Code (ma-rei, Reima, Word, Logos), with a message called AI Huiou "The Son" from The Holy MU Code in the XNA of The Holy Bible which is a mirror of The Genetic Code in the DNA of All Life.
And, thus, The Messenger RMA is a mirror of The Messenger mRNA.
Only the The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia of The WisdomPeace Lightforce can open a Seal of The Mary Code from inside of The Holy MU Code to deliver a message from The Astronomic Alai Lama Maraia "Mary."
I am DEEPLY HONORED to reveal to you by The Will of God, who is The Buddha, The Dao and Thao, of Prince Aidam and Princess China, that The Message of 5,000 Years Ago is OPEN.
Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) is The AIA Messenger Angel, and, thus, is The Aichi Dthao, The Dao and Thao of Life of Aidam and China, The Clear Way of the WisdomPeace Lightforce, delivering and activating The Life Saving Message for All Life.
The Message iesosxristos contains THREE sets of Codes: First Resurrection Code and Second Resurrection Code and Third Resurrection Code, and, contains The Commandments and Protocols to fulfill them.
And, further, the Third Resurrection Code is a separate set of Codes that remained sealed for an appointed time after The Second Coming of 2021-2022 but is now open.
The first set of The Commandments and The Protocols is for the First Resurrection Code of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) The Living Buddha Ba Dao and Ba Thao.
The second set of The Commandments and The Protocols is for The Second Resurrection Code of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) The Living Body and Heart and The Immortal Soul and Blood Ka and Chi.
YOU are required to participate in the First Resurrection Code in order to receive the Second Resurrection Code.
Thus, The Message states that the FIRST Resurrection has to take place BEFORE the SECOND Resurrection can occur with all of the Blessings that save you from The Judgment including The Blessing of Immortality.
And, in fact, if you are not Immortal during The Second Coming then your Soul will be destroyed.
YOU are required to participate in The FIRST Resurrection because in order for YOU to be saved YOU have to give birth, WITHIN YOU, to The Wisdom Mind of The Buddha of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua), which will be done by your BacterVira (stem cells) when you become Virtuous.
The Message instructs YOU how to achieve this and The Most High Holy Spirit The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia of The WisdomPeace Lightforce is HERE to REVEAL the contents and decipherment of The Message to YOU.
For those of you who do not understand the Language of Symbolism please know that it connects us to all humanity, no matter what intellectual level, as our one common language.
Thus we are going to symbolically begin by BLESSING each Bible, no matter what religion, to be TRANSFORMED in order for you to SEE and HEAR all that was formerly hidden, and, then, we will read together The Message of 5,000 Years Ago to YOU as deciphered and read by The Most High Holy Spirit The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia of The WisdomPeace Lightforce along with The Messenger RMA Codes from The Book of Revelation.
Please, now bring your Bible of any religion to your computer and we will Begin.
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© Copyright, Chérie Phillips. Ape Sleeping.
Sleep, Little One. It is time to be Transformed from the wild one who has been trembling in so much pain and suffering but is now being Transformed into the Tamed One to live in magnificent WisdomPeace and discipline by your own Virtuous Mind to be achieved with your own Wisdom Virtues and guided nonconsciously by The Wisdom Mind of The Buddha of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) in The Holy MU Code (Word, Reima, Logos) and in The Clear Way of the WisdomPeace Lightforce of Father God Aidam Rai Aish Dao and Mother God China Rai Aishith Thao.
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© Copyright, Chérie Phillips. Sumatran Tiger Dreaming.
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The Most High Holy Spirit The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia of the WisdomPeace Lightforce of IESOS CHRISTOS (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) is Here.
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The Wisdom of the First Resurrection Code of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) that first began on July 4, 2016, is NOW continuing today. * * * *
Touch your Bible of any religion HERE:
HOLY BIBLE Recovery Version
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All Bibles of All Religions touched on the Recovery Holy Bible above have NOW been Transformed, and NEXT your Mind will be Initiated with The Commandments and The Protocol of The Message and the First Resurrection Code in The Book of Revelation with the decipherment and reading by The Most High Holy Spirit The Astronomic Buddha Kuraia of the WisdomPeace Lightforce, and, thus, to begin evomorphing your nonconscious mind by The Becoming Forces into The Wisdom Mind of The Living Buddha of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) in the WisdomPeace Lightforce of Father Mother God.
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As you follow the Protocol of the First Resurrection Code with The Daily Protocol, you will construct your conscious Virtuous Mind to think with Wisdom Virtues.
Further, the First Resurrection Code will cause your BacterVira (stem cells) to initiate this evomorph (evolution and metamorphosis), and, by participating in this Self-Directed Evomorph, over a period of time, You will give birth to (awaken, activate) The Wisdom Mind of The Living Buddha of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) within You.
All those, by your own Free Will, who want to be saved are immediately set in motion and are immediately initiated to become yet Enlightened during the First Resurrection of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) as it is written:
"And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to one's own achievement . . . Surely, I am coming quickly."
(Revelation 22:12, 20)
* * * * The Holy MU Code is written on our XNA (DNA). * * * * Even if every Bible were destroyed then The Original Holy Bible would still return because The Holy MU Code is written on our XNA (DNA). * * * *
Remember This: The FIRST Resurrection must occur BEFORE The SECOND Resurrection when the next Becoming will occur.
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Understand that The Original Holy Bible extensively describes Becoming instead of Coming.
Thus, the purpose of The Second Coming of Iesos (Jesus, Yeshua) is NOT to take you away to a mythical place, but rather, to nonconsciously give birth to (activate, awaken) The Wisdom Mind of The Buddha of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) within you so that you will become yet an Immortal, and, thereby, live as in Heaven on Earth.
The primary purpose of The Original Holy Bible (that is in progress and will be returned to you), is to become The Virtuous Scriptures of The Holy MU Code of The Living Chi-Energy of The Enlightened Wisdom Mind of The Buddha and the Healing Body with the Purified Blood of Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) and, thus, to enlighten your mind and to heal your body through your participation in your own evomorph (evolution and metamorphosis), and, thereby maintain your Virtues and your Immortality.
The concept of Evomorphing (Evolution and Metamorphosis) is the overall theme throughout the Original Holy Bible.
Further, The Original Holy Bible states that, just like Angels are fully Divine and not human, Iesos Christos (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) is a fully Divine Spiritual Being but not human.
Divine Spiritual Beings have profound Wisdom with extraordinary powers that can heal and cure and are far above and beyond anything you know.
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Let us NOW begin together to see the decipherment and reading of the first part of The Message of 5,000 Years Ago named The First Resurrection Code in The Book of Revelation.
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Be With Us or Be Left Behind * * * *
May the
Be With You * *
* * UCC Universal Copyright
Convention * *
* * Rev. Chérie Phillips,
NovaStoic Priest * *
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